A downloadable game for Windows

Ruined Horizons is a tactical space based strategy game, with an emphasis on controlling a small number of powerful ships through various missions. Inspired by franchises such as Homeworld and Battlestar Galactica, the game takes place in a time when mega-corporations battle for supremacy and vie for control over the galaxy.

An unknown enemy looms on the horizon however and you'll be flung into a battle for humanity's very existence.... but that's getting ahead of ourselves.

Missiles Away!

Two frigates launch missiles at an incoming threat

The game is currently in a very early stage of development - and this build is a prototype of the tactical portion of the game. It is a short proof of concept of how the battles will be fought, and as such we are looking for feedback on the mechanics, and overall fun factor. Is there enough to do? Too much to do?  Etc.

Included in this build is two tutorial missions, to help learn how to control your ships on the battlefield - then two missions to try out. A base attack mission, where you must destroy a pirate base, and a base defence mission, where you must prevent your base from being destroyed by a large force of incoming enemy forces.

Missile Frigate

A missile frigate launches torpedo's at an enemy station

These missions are intentionally very hard, to help refine game balance and we welcome your feedback to help us make adjustments.

** Disclaimer **

As this is a very early prototype you can expect bugs. The UI is developer art and is not the intended final form of the UI, so please try and bear with it.  Any bug reports you can make to us would be very much appreciated!

Technical Requirements?

At this point, unknown, but the game is not too graphically taxing and we expect it to work well on most modern systems. If you do have problems with performance though we would be very interested in knowing your machines technical specifications.

Finally, here's a dev-log that I made a while ago for the game. Some things have changed since then, but it should give you an idea of what we're aiming at. You'll have to forgive my terrible narration skills though!

Updated 13 days ago
TagsFuturistic, Sci-fi, Space, Tactical, Unity
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


RuinedHorizons.zip 897 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and extract anywhere on your computer, then run the RuinedHorizons.exe file.

Development log

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